


It’s about to reach the end of my three-year-contract soon.

My time in Ireland was really fulfilling, both at work and outside work. I can remember clearly the atmosphere and details of these days, because they were quality time.

Amongst all my experiences, encountering Irish trad music early in my second year made my life flourish and give me more passion in everyday life. We can never really tell where we will find life’s secrets.

I found myself enthralled with music in a way I had never experienced before. As you can see, my Irish life blog unconsciously became an Irish ‘music’ blog in the end.
The fun of going on trips, which I loved from the beginning, was added to much more by enjoying local music sessions with its regional styles which were different from county to county.  The music trips deepened my interests enormously.

Irish traditional music was originally born as an accompaniment of dance, but it seems to me that its beauty stemmed from the real life of people living there, which is beyond the frame of dance tunes.
Depending on the region, there are distinctions in the rhythm, the placement of ornamentations, and the ways of bowing.  In addition, the types of musical instruments differ as well. 

For instance, in a session in Co. Donegal, you will find 80 per cent of musicians play the fiddle, and the others might play the flute.  On the other hand, you will find more accordion and concertina players rather than fiddlers in Co. Clare.  Bodhran players can be more common there too.  The splendid scenery and music tell me where I am, and the characteristics of its region can be more obvious and attractive.

Meanwhile, as people notice the uniqueness of regional styles, they can each find/develop their own style.

Usually people learn by ear, but for me, my memory did not stay for a long time in my head. It was tough to remember whole tunes by listening to them just a few times.  I used to get music sheets as much as possible in lessons and workshops. Also, I tried to tape tunes in sessions and write down the music notation.

In this way, I collected around 550 tunes (although I did not count them all properly) in Ireland in less than two years.

These tunes are now like my own footprints.

If other people travelled and played around the country in the same length of time, they would meet different repertoires.  My repertoire reflects my preferences, and all the experiences I had in places I visited. It would have been different if I had travelled with different instruments, times, sessions, workshops and people.

Travelling with Irish Music:

Music and memories connect with each other.

There are some examples:
a tune I was taught in front of a warm fireplace on a chilly autumn day,
a tune my teacher taught me in a group lesson that I used to go to at one time in Dublin,
a lovely hornpipe a middle-age lady played solo in front of people in a session, and
a tune a 15-year-old Donegal girl played when she gave her teacher’s fiddle a try.

I absorbed tunes one by one when I felt I would love to play them.


If I had one more year to spend in Ireland, I would be immersed even more in Irish music.  However, my journey will continue in the future.

I would like to break down the dense gemstone that I got in Ireland and polish it in Japan to build my own style.  It will be a great contribution that I gained in Ireland to add to the joy of life in the future.

Special thanks go to my 16 brilliant fiddle tutors, Sinead Madden, Clare Sherry, Mike Vass, Aoife Desmond and Niamh Ni Charra in Waltons, Fiona McNamara and Odhran O Casaide in Monkstown, Paudie O'Connor in Naul, Marie O'Keefe in Skerries, Paddy Ryan and Liam O'Connor in Scoil Acla, Mick Brown in Glenties, McDara O’Raghallaigh in Ennis, Aoife Feeney in Ardara, Cathal Hayden in Gweedore, Sharon Howley in Doolin, and those who I could meet in various sessions/classes/workshops around Ireland.


Russell Memorial Weekend

フィドルを車に乗せてのアイルランドの地方巡業も9回目となった今回、フィドル編最後を飾るのは、2月最終週に行われたアイルランド伝統音楽の都・クレア県にあるDoolinでのRussell Memorial Weekend

今年のチューターは、かの有名なKilfenora Ceili Bandでも活躍するフィドラー兼バンジョー兼ピアノを弾くマルチな才女。
選曲は、知っている曲も多く、いかにもというダンスチューンが多かったのもクレア県だからなのか、Ceili Bank出身の人だからか、、、でもテクニックをボコボコ入れて来たり、容赦ないチューターの進めっぷりが私には合っていた。

〇1日目の曲/ Day 1: Tune of the Day
1. Glasgow Reel
2. Arra Mountains (Slip Jig)
3. Begrey's Polka
4. Crowley's Reel
〇2日目の曲/ Day 2: Tune of the Day
1. The Sorrel Leaf (Barndance)
2. Lucy's Fling
3. Zoe Conway's
4. Little Bird
5. Concertina Reel

そのフィドラーのFrankie Gavin氏の演奏を聞きたくて、行ってみた。





アイルランド伝統音楽ウィンタースクール/ Irish Trad Music Winter School

A Happy New Year!

I spent the New Year holidays in Ireland for the first time since I moved here three years ago. There was an Irish trad music winter school in west Donegal after Christmas for five days from 28th December Monday to 1st January 2016.  I participated in this winter school and celebrated New Year there.

初日のFiddlers' Concert。Brid Harperが演奏中。
20年続いた前身となるFrankie Kennedy Winter Schoolから名前や運営が改まり、今回は2度目の開催となるScoil Gheimhridh Ghaoth Dobhair (アイルランド語で読み方わからない、誰か助けて!)。
This winter school, Scoil Gheimhridh Ghaoth Dobhair (I can never remember how to read it), celebrated its second year anniversary this time. The former school, Frankie Kennedy Winter School, finished 2 years ago after 20 years, and it is now re-named and re-formed.

今回のスクールの中心地Gweedore(グウィドール)から生まれ、今や世界ツアーを行うトラッドグループAltan(アルタン)のヴォーカル兼フィドラーであるMairéad Ní Mhaonaigh (マレード・ニ・ウィニー)氏が中心となって行っていたのがFrankie Kennedy Winter Schoo。彼女の亡夫でベルファスト生まれのフルート奏者Frankie Kennedy氏を讃えるために始まった。
Originally, Frankie Kennedy Winter School had started to commemorate the Belfast native flute player, Frankie Kennedy.  The Winter School has been organised by a wellknown Donegal fiddler and singer from Altan, Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh, the wife of the late Frankie Kennedy.

Mt. Errigal麓の美しい風景。
新生ウィンタースクール、2度目の今回はコンサートの他、4日間にわたるワークショップ(10:00-13:00月~木/ 通しで100EUR)や各種イベントが目白押し。


In this newly reformed winter school, there were many events such as concerts and a four-day-workshop(it was ran between 10am-1pm for 4days/100EUR=good value!).

Our fiddle workshops were divided into two big groups: Beginner (1 class) and Intermediate/Advanced (5 classes).  I could not make it to the first day due to my work in Dublin, but it seemed the grading test had been performed to decide the classes (Except for Mairead’s class, its grade was not really obvious, though..).
Here is a list of the tutors for the intermediate/advanced level fiddle lessons;
  • Bríd Harper (幼い頃から数々の全国大会で優勝。フィドルの申し子とも言うべきか。/Won heaps of All Ireland championships since her childhood.  A heaven-sent fiddler. )
  • Cathal Hayden (北アイルランドのティローン州出身で、実家はパブ。/Born in Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Playing in a pub run by his dad.
  • Martin McGinley(Glentiesでのフィドラーズウィークのセッションで上手い人がいる!と印象的だった人物。今回先生をしていると到着日に判明してびっくり。/I had actually seen this impressive person at the fiddlers’ weekend in Glenties.  It was surprising to find on the first day of the lesson that he was one of the tutors.
  • Ciarán Ó Maonaigh(個人的には、去年のコンサートの模様を見て感激した人物。/I was really impressed by his playing on YouTube from the previous year.
  • Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh(前述のAltanの中心人物。/The main person in Altan as above.

お決まりの、「今はUpper-intermediateだけどadvanced levelに到達したい」の一言でMairéadがアイルランド語でむにゃむにゃ何か言った後、
「じゃ、Cathal (カハル)で」。
I felt unneccessarily nervous and found out I didn’t have to play a tune for the grading.  Instead, I exlpained what level I was in; as usual, I said to Mairead, “I’m upper-intermediate now, but I would like to reach the advanced level”. Mairead whispered something in Irish, and told me “Cathal(‘s class)!”

It was limited to 10 students per class at maximum, and on avarage, there were around eight students per class.  However, there were only four students in my class with Cathal! I was so glad to know there were less people compared to summer schools.

At the beginning, our tutor Cathal told me that he would not teach us (What the hell!). He said he had never taught students.  In brief, I realised he wanted us to absorb as much as we could.

The other students played four tunes which they learnt on the previous day (I was wondering how hard they worked on learning such a lot of tunes in one day, regardless of the fact they had a grading test on the same day!).  Then, Cathal ‘taught’ us one Polka and said to us, “it’s time for a cup o’ tea!”. Since then, we had some relatively long breaks every time we finished learning one single tune, so this system left us alone in an empty lobby, while the other students were in the lessons.

He let us go an hour and a half earlier than the schedule. Hold on, we still have plenty of time!

I had a quick chat with a guy in the reception about our lesson that finished that time.  He stood up quickly and dissappeared somewhere.  Two secons later, the guy caught Cathal and showed up again.

Cathal: “So, were you looking for me?”

Me: “Oh, no, no! I’ve just told this guy ‘the lesson has already finished.’ !”.

Cathal: “Would you like to play more with me?”

Me: “Oh, could we? That’ll be great!!”

Cathal: “Sure. As you were not here yesterday...”

Between the jigs and the reels, I had a very special and gorgerous private lesson (How lucky I was!!).

The teacher had dark rings under his eyes and looked a bit scary, but he was really kind.  In the end, he said to me we could have a short private lesson again on the following day (I was a bit doubtful about what he suggested, but actually he did what he said!).

〇Day 1の曲/ Tunes of the Day 1
1. Fisher's Hornpipe
2. JF なんとか/JF something...
3. Loch and Boat
4. Donegal Reel
〇Day 2の曲/Tunes of the Day 2
1. Riding on a Load of Hay (Polka)
2. The Ballynahula/Teahan's Favourite (Polka)
3. The Leverette (Hornpipe)
4. Sporting Paddy (Reel)
〇Day 3の曲/Tunes of the Day 3
1. Happy Hornpipe
2. Dairy Maid (Reel)
3. Rosewood Jig
〇Day 4の曲/Tunes of the Day 4
1. Will you come home with me? (Jig)
2. The Glen of Aherlow (Reel)
   +Student Session (12.30pm~)

One year and eight months have passed since I first picked up the fiddle.

At first, everything, for instance the ABC system and the way to learn by ear, was unfamiliar to me.  And now, I have gradually understood how to learn Irish music; especially, joining the summer music school let my skills improve a lot.  I’ve got a strange feeling I could notice how much I improved.  In a sense, I realised I could change myself to some extent in a year and a bit.

サマースクールでは「耳で学ぶ(learn by ear)」に慣れず、ひとりだけ他の人たちとハーモニーを奏でている時もあったけど、今回は1フレーズ4回通したくらいで弾けるようになり、直前のフレーズも忘れることなくレッスン内の時間で他の人たちと同じように弾けるようになっていたのがびっくり。
At the summer school on Achill Island, I sometimes played “harmony” with others by chance because I did not get used enough to learn by ear.  However, this time it made me possible to acquire one phrase by playing only four times or something, and the following phrases without forgetting the previous bars.  By the end of each lesson, I managed to play with others without harsh “harmony”.  (None the less, local kids could play in their own ways with loads of ornamentations and nice rythms.  Hats off to them!)

レッスン後、日没の16時まで散策。Glenveagh National Parkにて。
The other three students in my class were all around 15 years old, secondary school students (However, they looked so mature for their ages compared to Japanese at similar ages in general). With only four years of experience on the fiddle, one of them had already taught people and released a CD with other players.  What I noticed during the winter school was that the community brought up people in here.

It was during the school that I first found out about Altan (so I can’t say anything magnificent), but it is amazing for a local band to pass on the spirit of music to the children in the area. It’s just beautiful to see the tradition was moving over to the new generations.

地域による演奏法をRegional Styleと言い、Donegal Styleも存在する。
Donegal has a strong tradition in fiddle music.  There was no surprise if we came across a session where almost 80 per cent were fiddlers.

There are some regional styles in Irish music, and Donegal style is one of them.  I don’t have good enough ears to tell the differences between regional styles yet, but it seems to me that Irish music is like a language.  With some reginal styles, it is as if it has different dialects.

ドネゴールフィドラーの生きる化石(失礼か!?笑)Danny Meehan氏が講演で言っていたけど、
これがadvanced levelという私の次のステップへの課題でもある。
I found this winter school meaningful not only because I learnt some new tunes, but also I found a new goal to achieve in the next stage.

As Danny Meehan, a “living fossil-like person (Am I a bit rude? I hope not!)”, said in his lecture, we should have our own style.  This – to have my own fiddle style- is my next big aim to step up to the advanced level.
