



This year I spent my one-week-Easter-holiday in Serbia and Hungary.

To tell the truth, I had got a position in Serbia in March 2012 and was supposed to be working there at the moment.  I met my counterpart who the position instead of me for the first time, and I felt it’s a miracle that I’m now in another position in Ireland!! But what if I had really chosen to live there in Serbia…?
I'm wondering with whom I would have been working?  How would my life have been?  Life is always unpredictable: that’s why it’s so exciting!!



The capital, Belgrade, was stimulative.  I don’t know the exact words to describe it; it seemed like Europe, but the atmosphere overlapped with a more chaotic one I experienced in Sri Lanka.  In addition, when I looked up at the buildings bombed by NATO, I could almost believe the war time had just ended right then.

It sometimes appeared to me that some places looked like my image of Japan 40 or 50 years ago , while at the same time, modern cafes and restaurants were sitting on the streets.  The more wandered around the city, the more attractive it became.


車でしかなかなか行けないような Fruska Goraというワイン地帯、はちみつを売る「家」、丘の麓にじっと居座る修道院。わいわいと、でもなんか不思議な感覚。

One day, I hit the road to the countryside by car with my colleagues who were supposed to be my real bosses in Serbia. With their fantastic awesomeness, I could fully enjoy the taste of fantastic scenery in the countryside, such as a winery area called Fruska Gora, a small honey farm run by a family, and a monastery sitting at the foot of a hill.  


It took me 8 hours and 10mins to reach my next destination: Budapest, Hungary.  The inside of the train was quaint enough that it would have been no surprise if Dementors from the film ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’ had shown up.  In the middle of the night, a few border guards performed passport controls in the dark twice, with a one-hour interval.

The main purpose of the visit to Budapest was to reunite with my lovely Hungarian friend’s family for the first time in three years.  To be honest, the last three years were intense-ish, I mean, I tasted the sweet and bitter parts of life a bit.  However, even though we did not read those blank pages with each other, it was not hard at all for us to catch up and to get back on the same page, like three years ago.

As soon as I arrived at their place in a suburb of Budapest at 6am, we started to prepare for our Easter celebration.  Since they run a gingerbread business, they let me add colour and decorate them.  According to the rule on Easter Sunday, we were not allowed to have breakfast until 9.30am (though I was starving!).  Once the fast broke, I noticed that I had missed this happiness of dining with a family.
They kindly prepared some other Easter special programmes for me, which they usually do not do.  On Easter Monday, we searched for Easter eggs that a bunny had hidden in the garden; a guy (meaning her dad, as he is the only gent in her family) sprayed perfumes on the ladies in the early morning; we decorated several Easter eggs with wax which was a traditional method; and helped to bake Easter sweeties.


At the same time, we enjoyed walking around the old city fully.  Compared to my memories from three years ago, it looked like all buildings, buses, trams and the underground had been refurbished and were somehow brand-new.  My friend said, however, there had not been such huge changes.  Probably, it was due to my eyes which had already got used to the out-of-date buildings and buses in Serbia. 

What I love in Budapest is...definitely the view from the hills!!


Through this splendid holiday, I felt how fantastic it was to mingle with local people living there whilst travelling the world. 
“Traveling like living”-I believe it’s absolutely excellent - the best!!